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  4. How do I prevent students from joining a meeting before the host?

How do I prevent students from joining a meeting before the host?

Hosts can prevent students and other participants from joining a meeting before the host arrives, either globally for your Zoom account or on a per-meeting basis.

Prevent participants from joining before host globally

To prevent participants from joining before the host in any meeting that you schedule:

  1. Go to brookes.zoom.us.
  2. Click Sign In and enter p number (without @brookes.ac.uk) and Brookes password.
  3. Click Settings from the left-hand menu.
  4. Press Ctrl + F (Windows 10) or Cmd+F (Mac) on your keyboard and type Allow participants to join before host.
  5. Click the toggle on the right to become grey.

The change is automatically saved. From now onwards, when you schedule a new meeting, the setting “allow participants to join before host” will be automatically disabled.

Prevent participants from joining before host on a per-meeting basis

  1. Schedule a Zoom meeting in your course.
  2. In the scheduling screen, untick the box for Enable join before host.

This will prevent participants from joining before the host for this specific meeting.

Updated on November 9, 2020

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